Weekly Problems

Archive and Index

A note on the selection of problems in this section.
Problems 1 to 250 are all by Australian composers. Problems 251 to 500 also include works by overseas composers if published in an Australian source. These restrictions are relaxed from No.501 to allow a greater variety of problems to be showcased.

To display all solutions on a problem page, press Ctrl-F and click 'Expand all content'.

2010 Problems 1-7

2011-A Problems 8-33  

2011-B Problems 34-59

2012-A Problems 60-85

2012-B Problems 86-110

2013-A Problems 111-136

2013-B Problems 137-162

2014-A Problems 163-188

2014-B Problems 189-214

2015-A Problems 215-239

2015-B Problems 240-266

2016-A Problems 267-292

2016-B Problems 293-319

2017-A Problems 320-345

2017-B Problems 346-371

2018-A Problems 372-397

2018-B Problems 398-423

2019-A Problems 424-449

2019-B Problems 450-475

2020-A Problems 476-501

2020-B Problems 502-527

2021-A Problems 528-553

2021-B Problems 554-579

2022-A Problems 580-605

2022-B Problems 606-632

2023-A Problems 633-658

2023-B Problems 659-684

2024-A Problems 685-710

2024-B Problems 711-736

2025-A Problems 737-739

Index of Composers

A number in bold indicates an original problem. An asterisk (*) indicates a joint composition.

Abdurahmanovic 516, 608*, 740*

Ahues 281, 316, 453

Akerblom 736

Albert 552

Alexandrov 317

Aliovsadzade 616*, 620*, 628, 640, 651*, 663, 678, 706*, 717, 724

Antipov 283

Apro 335

Arthur 361

Atanasijevic 582, 645

Avner 642, 710

Bain 173

Bakcsi 314, 379, 604*, 693

Barnes 348

Bartolovic 739

Beale 57*, 81, 105, 145, 210, 296, 418

Bedoni 719

Beechey 264, 323

Belyakin 697

Benko 687*

Bennett 141, 184

Bergmann 11*, 60, 112*, 204

Berkel 148, 197, 263

Berlingozzo 564*

Bettmann E 328*

Bettmann H 328*

Bettmann J 328*

Bicknell 99, 215

Bílý 537

Blake 336

Blondel 681*

Bottachi 660

Boudantzev 272, 341, 384, 434, 481, 546

Brummelman 399

Buchanan 540a*, 556

Buchwald 350, 395

Bunting 609

Burger 505*

Caillaud 507, 566*, 648, 718, 726

Catlow 491

Chandrasekaran 586

Charlick A 122, 190, 233

Charlick H 13

Chepizhny 592*, 614, 708

Cioflanca 722

Clarke 7, 45, 88, 151, 217, 356

Coakley 423

Cox 124, 170, 268, 374, 415, 479

Csak 325

Cuppini 357

da Costa Andrade 452

Dawson 579

Degener 567

Degenkolbe 670*

de Heer 566*

Dempster 290

Dolginovich 447, 734

Dragoun 297, 337, 419, 490

Dyachuk 686

Easter 580

Eaton 232

Eddy 460

Einat 447a, 514, 647

Elkies 605, 673

Ellerman 329, 362, 417, 497, 575

Erenburg 679

Erokhin 635

Erskine 225, 397

Fabel 600

Feather 269, 321, 473, 543, 649, 727

Fegan B 143, 205

Fegan R 167

Fethers 134, 177

Fiedler 549

Figdor 224, 477

Fitzell 236

Fjellström 487

Flad 589

Fokin 666*

Förster 712

Foster 8, 23, 50, 69*, 89, 115*, 139, 191, 255, 303, 349, 391, 394, 435, 476*, 512

Fox 68, 92, 114*, 169, 202

Fröberg 558

Frolkin 578*, 703

Funk 346

Gallery 154

Gamage 252, 436*

Gandev 621

Garai 416, 518, 554, 716

Gavrilovski 612

Giöbel 631

Glynn 132, 174, 226, 298

Goldsmith 140

Goldstein 2, 28, 46, 64*, 86, 102, 131, 175, 208, 244, 273, 331, 364*, 424, 455, 484, 534

Grabowski 292

Gräfrath 404

Grant 123, 156, 201

Gray 735

Groeneveld 386

Grudziński 429

Grunenwald 688

Grushko 440

Guidelli 729

Gurov 669*

Hackett 245

Hale 161, 619*

Harley 446

Harpur 193

Hartong 471, 683

Hashimoto 623, 690

Hassan 31, 55, 74, 96, 120, 166, 211, 249, 267*, 301, 310*, 439, 476*

Hassberg 271, 436*

Havel 555

Hawes 3*, 33, 47*, 65, 90*, 117, 153, 182*, 222*, 265, 285*, 327, 343*, 351*, 410, 456

Haymann 656

Heathcote 289, 389, 441

Heinonen 591

Henderson 178

Hernitz 685*

Heydon 130, 158, 199, 237, 256*, 295, 344, 381, 431, 499

Hill 157, 206

Hoffman 530

Holladay 572

Hoover 422, 696

Horton 142

Howard 539, 691

Hultberg 671

Hurme  627*

Hursky 502

Janet 493

Janevski 533, 574, 654

Jerrard 125, 163, 203, 240

Jones 257, 311*, 463, 636

Jonsson 251

Jørgensen 571

Kahl 634

Kalotay 687*

Kapros 674*

Kapustin  545*

Kardos 700

Karwatkar 737

Kieffer-Olsen 300

Kirillov 639*

Kirtley 526

Kloostra 37, 67, 111, 218*, 340*

Kočí 525, 531, 540, 540a*, 559

Koetsheid 333*, 465*

Kopyl 607

Korepin 508

Korolkov 677*

Kovačević 521, 625

Kozhakin 682

Kraemer 583, 698*

Kricheli 278, 630

Kukin 408

Kuzmichev 433, 498

Lačný 535

Lapin 147, 234

Larsen 420

Latzel 302, 359, 624

Laue 587

Laws 367

Lazard 286

Legentil 538

Lester 313

Levitt 664

Lewis 279, 307*, 613

Liew 715

Lincoln 266, 320, 380, 413, 462

Ling 511

Linss 542

Lipton 532, 658

List 659

Ljubashevskij 254*

Lobusov 365, 426

Lois 637*, 674*

Loshinsky 677*

Loustau 528, 617, 676

Löw 523

Lulman 75

Lyons 32, 49, 69*, 91, 115*, 146, 196, 250, 308, 393, 457, 509

McArthur W J 106, 136, 171, 219, 270

McArthur W M 468

McDowell 307*, 429a, 444, 602, 646

Mackenzie 284

Macleod 368, 461, 588, 597a*

McQueen 48, 73, 187

Makaronez 254*, 294, 339, 492, 510, 515, 524, 544, 557, 565, 573, 585, 598, 611, 616*, 633, 651*, 675, 701, 706*, 732

Malcom 503, 548, 561, 596

Mangalis 15, 42, 63, 84, 104, 128, 160, 194, 230, 287, 319, 360, 412, 454, 482, 519

Mann 577

Mansfield 259, 304, 370, 425, 470, 563, 629

Marandjuk 692*

Mari 483

Marsh 85

Marysko 466

Maslar 568

Matthews 505*, 711

Mazzieri 229*

Meadley 39*

Medintsev 652

Meinking 702

Meldrum 121, 229*, 432, 728

Mihajloski 608*

Mladenović 560

Mochalkin 599*

Morice 657

Mosely 14, 51, 70, 94, 118, 152, 198, 242, 291, 338, 376, 421

Myllyniemi 632

Narayanan 618

Nefyodov 707*

Nerong 638

Nettheim 87, 108, 221, 280, 382, 536

Nidiry 312

Nunn 307*

Ocampo 597, 597a*

O’Keefe 4, 22, 40, 57*, 76, 95, 116, 150, 164*, 214, 256*, 305, 351*, 388, 411, 451, 464*

Onkoud 276, 334, 390, 428, 669*

Oosterholt 375

Opdenoordt 333*, 465*

Osorio 637*

Pachl 670*

Pachman 622

Paliulionis 662

Pankratiev 352, 475

Páros 501

Pauly 522

Pedler 398

Penrose 576

Petite 306, 478, 496

Plesnivý 593

Postma 668

Prentos 578*

Prikril 685*

Promislo 529

Proudfoot 241*

Queck 738

Ramsey 207, 247

Ravenscroft 3*, 18, 47*, 71, 90*, 114*, 138, 182*, 222*, 285*, 343*, 414

Rietveld 322, 409

Roberts 354, 489

Rogers 39*

Rosner 517

Rudenko 551, 592*

Rumyantsev 562

Sag 5, 16, 41, 78*, 168, 172, 183, 243, 260, 262, 267*, 310*, 372, 450, 458, 595, 665, 672, 680, 699, 733

Salai Sr. 299

Saunders 12, 30, 44, 61, 83, 110, 137, 180, 218*, 248, 309, 340*, 378, 438, 485

Schiffmann 720

Schlosser 723

Schmidt 513*

Schneider 603

Schnoebelen 661

Schtscherbina 606

Searle 238

Seider 581

Seilberger 355

Seitz 594

Semenenko 707*, 721

Senkus 387

Shanahan 10, 17, 26, 38, 58, 77, 101, 129, 165, 212, 231, 241*, 311*, 363, 392, 443, 480, 527, 619*

Shire 275, 326, 373, 403, 449

Sidler 615

Sikdar 288, 330

Sinakevich 666*

Skubák 371

Smerdon 27

Smith 127, 164*, 213, 258, 318, 464*

Smulders 684

Sokka 627*

Soldatov 692*

Sonnenfeld 564*, 626*

Shorokhov 740*

Sphicas 377, 709

Steiner 228

Stocchi 401, 474, 553

Stosic 550

Stuart Green 159, 209, 246, 383, 427, 467

Styopochkin 655

Sukhitashvili 486

Sutherland 347, 405, 459

Sydenham 547

Szwedowski 366

Tate 56, 109, 223

Ten Cate 358

Tkachenko 545*

Tomasevic 610

Tominic 714

Tomson 11*, 25, 54, 72, 97, 112*, 162, 216, 282, 332, 369, 402, 445, 488, 569

Toth 93, 186

Touw 448, 495, 705

Tura 667

Turevsky 731

Tüngler 513*

Ugren 641

Valois 599*

Van Der Klauw 100

Van Dijk J 396, 430

Van Dijk N 725

Van Gool 689

Varga 713

Vasilenko 504

Vasyuchko 584, 730

Vertelka 261

Vickers 24, 185

Visserman 570

Vukcevich 590, 650, 704

Wainwright 342, 437

Walton 179, 195, 253, 407

Warton J 520

Watson 135, 181, 235, 324

Weenink 695

West 144

Whitehead 34, 53, 78*, 113, 188, 277

Whyatt 1, 20, 35, 52, 64*, 79, 98, 119, 149, 192, 227, 274, 315, 364*, 400, 442, 472, 494, 541, 601, 644

Widlert 681*

Wilhelm 353, 406

Williams 19

Willis 66, 176

Willmott 6, 21, 59, 80

Wilson 189

Wong 9, 29, 43, 62, 82, 103, 126, 155, 200, 239, 293, 345, 385, 469, 500, 597a*

Yacoubian 653

Yakimovich 620*

Zalewski 506

Zapackis 133

Zaric 36, 107, 220

Zarur 626*

Zepler 698*

Zheltonozhko 639*

Zima 694

Zoltan 604*, 643

Weekly Problems  |  Walkabout